On start-up on a MAC parallels system, Control fails with its own, non-descript error message.

Unable to locate SSLIP Server

During start-up, Control and the SSLIP check their respective times to ensure they are in sync. If not, the Control user is prompted to reset their local time. Some part of that process is failing on the Mac Parallels system. If the time on the SSLIP is different, Control crashes with no explanation.

Moderate. The Mac client is down.

Fix the time manually on the server or client.

  1. Ensure that IPv6 is disabled using the following steps:
    1. Go to Control Panel
    2. Open Network and Sharing Center
    3. Click Change Adapter Settings
    4. Right click on Local Area Connection
    5. Click Properties
    6. Un-check “Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)” if it is checked.
    7. Try launching Control again
  • Reported : 1/2012
  • Version(s): Control 4.5+
  • Fixed in :
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