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control_sql_-_query_for_evaluation_days_left_on_sql [2019/01/27 11:29] (current)
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 +======  ======
 +===== Explanation of SQL =====
 +A few of our customers are on a Evaluation version of SQL server, this query will allow you to see how many days left that SQL server has before the Evaluation version Expires.
 +===== Risk of Data Corruption if Run Improperly =====
 +**None**. This is a selection query and no data is modified in the running of it.
 +===== SQL =====
 +sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
 +sp_configure 'Agent XPs', 1;
 +DECLARE @daysleft int
 +DECLARE @instancename sysname
 +SELECT @instancename = CONVERT(sysname, SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceName'))
 +EXEC @daysleft = xp_qv '2715127595', @instancename
 +SELECT @daysleft 'Number of days left'
 +===== Screenshot =====
 +Will look similar to this:
 +===== Version Information =====
 +  * Entered : __5/20/2015 David Kingsbury__
 +  * Version : Will work on all Versions of SQL