Explanation of SQL

This SQL provides a listing of the deposits made, what source (undeposited funds account) they came from, and a breakdown of the amounts for up to 3 divisions.

To make this work you will need to correct the division ID in the 2nd and 3rd query to match your divisions.

Sample Output

Deposit Time Division Name Bank Account Deposit Amount Undep Account Div1 Amount Div2 Amount Div3 Amount Deposit JournalID Deposit GLID
3/20/07 4:50 PM Company Chase $ 104.58 1002 Undeposited AmEx $ 104.58 NULL NULL 1795689 269554
3/20/07 4:50 PM Company Chase $ 360.00 1003 Undeposited Cash-Checks $ 360.00 NULL NULL 1795690 269556
3/20/07 4:50 PM Company Chase $ 674.00 1006 Undeposited MC-Visa $ 674.00 NULL NULL 1795691 269558
3/19/07 4:21 PM Company Chase $ 630.00 1002 Undeposited AmEx $ 630.00 NULL NULL 1794823 269526

Risk of Data Corruption if Run Improperly

None. This is a selection query and no data is modified in the running of it.


code format"sql"

declare @DateSTART datetime;

declare @DateEND datetime;

set @DateSTART '8/17/2009'; –

set @DateEND '8/24/2009'; –


Deposit.EntryDateTime as [Deposit Time],
(select DivisionName from EmployeeGroup where EmployeeGroup.ID  Deposit.DivisionID) as [Division Name],
DepositAccount.AccountName as [Bank Account],
Deposit.Amount as [Deposit Amount],
(select Top 1 GLAccount.AccountName
 from GL 
 join GLAccount on GL.GLAccountID  GLAccount.ID
 where GL.DepositJournalID  Deposit.JournalID
) as [Undep Account],
(select SUM(Amount) 
 from GL Div1 
 where Div1.DepositJournalID  Deposit.JournalID 
   and Div1.GLClassificationType  1007 
   and coalesce(Div1.DivisionID, 10)  10
) as [Div1 Amount],
(select SUM(Amount) 
 from GL Div2
 where Div2.DepositJournalID  Deposit.JournalID 
   and Div2.GLClassificationType  1007 
   and coalesce(Div2.DivisionID, 10)  20
) as [Div2 Amount],
(select SUM(Amount) 
 from GL Div3
 where Div3.DepositJournalID  Deposit.JournalID 
   and Div3.GLClassificationType  1007 
   and coalesce(Div3.DivisionID, 10)  30
) as [Div3 Amount],
Deposit.JournalID as [Deposit JournalID],
Deposit.ID as [Deposit GLID]

from GL as Deposit

join GLAccount as DepositAccount on Deposit.GLAccountID DepositAccount.ID

where Deposit.GLAccountID in (Select ID from GLAccount where GLClassificationType 1000 and IsActive 1)

and EntryDateTime between @DateSTART and @DateEND

and Deposit.Description like 'Deposit From%'

order by [Deposit Time] desc

<code> Version Information

  • Entered : 8/24/2009
  • Version : Control 4.0+

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