This may be due to the way the click of the mouse interacts with Windows and our program

  1. Check order to see where payments are duplicated
  2. Open DBBrowser
  3. Filter by OrderID=xxxx in the Adjustment Database
  4. Modify Filter to “OrderID=xxxx or (OrderId=0 and CustomerID=xxxx)”
  5. Copy this filter to be used in the following tables:
    1. Adjustment Database
    2. GL Database
    3. Order Database
    4. Payments Database
  6. In those tables, remove the duplicated payment entry
  7. Filter by CustomerId=xxxx in the Customer Database
  8. Remove or reduce Customer credit appropriately

NOTE: Some tables will have double entries, some won't.

Resolution 2
  1. Recreate basic order in your SMS
  2. Open DBBrowser to view your results to guide you through the steps above
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