What is C3S that is running in my system tray?

C3S is the Cyrious Credit Card System. It is used for the following purpose:

  • Handle all encrypted storage in the database.
  • Handle online credit card processing.

C3S was introduced with Control 4.4 and is an integral part of achieving PCI compliance. All of the encyrption and secure processing was broken out into this module so that it was as independent of the main program as possible. This provides greater data security, as well as reliability.


  • C3S is required whether online credit card processing is enabled or not. All credit card security is implemented through C3S.
  • C3S runs as a service. Even if the tray application is closed it will remain running (unless the service is manually stopped).
  • Entered : 10/2010
  • Version(s) : Control 4.4+
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