Why is there no overpayment field when applying a payment in Control?

The overpayment field is optional for any payment method. For some payment methods (like cash) they are usually not wanted and removing the field helps prevent mistakes. To turn on the overpayment field for a given payment method, follow these steps:

To add an overpayment field in Control:

  1. Click on “Accounting Setup”.
  2. Click on “Payment Method” section on the left.
  3. Click on the payment method you were using to pay.
  4. Look for the option “Allow Overpayment to be applied to customer credit”. This is probably unchecked.
  5. Edit the payment method, check the option, and save.

You should now be able to apply an overpayment using that payment method.

  • Entered : 02/2010
  • Version(s) : Control 4.4+
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