Cyrious Tip - Setting up benchmark utility and running on client machines
Step 1
Creating mapped drive to test network speeds with benchmark tool located in Cyrious installation directory.
- On client machine, right-click on SMS/Control shortcut and click “Properties”.
- Click “Find Target” button on Properies window.
- Control users: Navigate back one directory and open Common folder and then open Other Tools folder.
- SMS Users: Go into Utilities folder.
- Highlight path located in address bar of Window Explorer.
- Right click on My Computer
- Select Map Network Drive.
- Choose an available drive letter and paste path into Folder: text box.
- Click Finish.
Step 2
Now that you have a mapped drive, follow below instructions to test network speeds for client machines.
- Open My Computer and go into drive previously mapped.
- Execute Benchmark.exe.
- Select Block Size of 1024.
- Select size of test file to be 10 Megabytes.
- Select bencmark test to Read.
- For a typical 10/100 network:
- Click Start Benchmark.
- Normal read speeds for a typical 10/100 network setup is always over 8000 kb/s. If you have speeds lower than this, it's possible you have network interference from your machine to the server.
- With same settings, select benchmark test to Write.
#Click Start Benchmark
- Normal write speeds for a typical 10/100 network setup is close to 2000 kb/s. If you have speeds lower than this, it's possible you have network interference from your machine to the server.
- For a typical GB network:
- Click Start Benchmark.
- Normal read speeds for a typical GB network setup is always over 25000 kb/s. If you have speeds lower than this, it's possible you have network interference from your machine to the server.
- With same settings, select benchmark test to Write.
- Click Start Benchmark.
- Normal write speeds for a typical GB network setup is close to 20000 kb/s. If you have speeds lower than this, it's possible you have network interference from your machine to the server.
- You can choose a large or small block size. Large block size should run more efficiently on an idle network (one with little traffic) because more data is sent at one time. On a busy network, however, packet loss due to collision means you loose a large packet of data at one time. Hence, on a busy network Large Block Size results in worse performance.
- To test the server, you will need to right click on My Computer (Windows XP) or Computer (Windows Vista and newer) and select Properties. In Windows XP, select the Computer Name tab and note the full computer name. In Vista and above, the computer name is down toward the bottom of the pop-up. You then need to go to Step 1 and skip down to number 4 and then for number 5 enter the path manually. Using the computer name, enter the path, for SMS: \\computer name\Cyrious$\SMS\Utilities\; for Control: \\computer name\Cyrious$\Common\Other Tools\
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