Error Message

Not enough server storage is available to process this command

Explanation of Error

Not Enough Storage usually refer to insufficient hard-drive space, though often they are a result of lack of memory or a write failure caused by some other problem (like permissions or anti-virus).


Medium/High - some functions will not be useable until this issue is resolved

Possible Root Cause(s)

Not enough free space on hard drive, antivirus settings are blocking program, incorrect permissions, IRP Stack Size set too low

Resolution #1

1. Navigate to: Start –> Run and type “regedit”

2. In the registry, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE –> System –> CurrentControlSet –> Services –> lanmanserver –> Parameters

3. double-click IRPStackSize (or if this registry setting doesn't exist, create it as type DWORD and ensure the case is correct.)

4. Change the base to decimal, set the value to 15, and click OK

5. Reboot the machine

Resolution #2

1. Navigate to Start –> Programs –> Accessories –> System Tools and select Disk Cleanup

2. Set parameters to free up as much disk space as possible

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