
This is caused by a number of things, invalid path/filename in the SSLIP, the Cyrious folder is not shared correctly, Anti-Virus blocking the connection, Firewall blocking the connection.

Resolution 1
  1. Disable the Anti-Virus on the server and/or client machine
  2. Test
Resolution 2
  1. Disable the Firewall on the server and/or client machine
  2. Test
Resolution 3
  1. Check the Cyrious\SMS folder to ensure the data folder is there
  2. Open the Data folder to ensure there is data in the folder
Resolution 4
  1. Navigate to the Cyrious folder on the server (default location is C:\Program Files\Cyrious)
  2. Left click on the Cyrious folder
  3. Click Sharing and Security…
    1. If you do NOT see a tab called Security do the following, otherwise skip ahead to step 4
    2. Click the Cancel button
    3. Click on the Tools button at the top of the folder
    4. Select Folder Options
    5. Select the View Tab in the new pos-up
    6. Scroll to the bottom of the Advanced Settings
    7. Uncheck the Use simple file sharing (Recommended) checkbox
    8. Click Ok
    9. Go back to step 2
  4. Click the Sharing tab
  5. Ensure that the Share this folder radio button is selected (you should see Cyrious$ in the Share Name:)
  6. Click the Permissions button
  7. In the new pop-up, ensure that Everyone is in the Group or user names, if not add it by clicking the Add button
  8. Ensure that the Allow Full Control check box is checked
  9. Click OK
  10. Click the Security tab at the top of the Cyrious Properties pop-up
  11. Scroll through the Group and user names to ensure that all users EXCEPT Creator Owner have the Allow Full Control checkbox checked
  12. Click the Add button and add Everyone
  13. Click the Allow Full Control checkbox for Everyone
  14. Click the Advance button
  15. Uncheck any checkboxes that are checked
  16. Click the Remove button
  17. Click the Apply button
  18. Check both checkboxes
  19. Click Apply
  20. Click OK
  21. Again, scroll through the Group and user names to ensure that all users EXCEPT Creator Owner have the Allow Full Control checkbox checked
  22. Click OK
  23. Try opening Cyrious
Resolution 5
  1. Shut down all computers
  2. Reboot your Router
Resolution 6
  1. Contact Tech Support (888-552-9823)
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