(aka Crystal 533 Error: Unable to Open Database, aka PEStartPrint error)
Invalid Operation Error occurs when trying to open Cyrious because the path for the Borland Database Engine is either corrupted or not pointing to the correct location. Fixing this issue requires a little confidence in dealing with the Computer's registry. If you are not comfortable editing the registry, please contact Cyrious Tech Support for assistance. If you want to attempt this but would like a backup of your registry (step 3), once you open the registry, Right Click on My Computer and click Export. Save this to your desktop. If you have messed up your registry, you can just double click on the export and it will reinstall it back to where it was before starting.
Resolution 1
- Start.
- Run.
- Type Regedit.
- This opens the Registry.
- Expand the HKEY_Local_Machine.
- Drill down to Software.
- Drill down to Borland.
- Drill down to Database Engine.
- On the right side, ensure the DLLPATH ( \\Servername\Cyrious$\Common\BDE or C:\Program Files\Cyrious\Common\BDE) and the CONFIGFILE01 ( \\Servername\Cyrious$\Common\BDE\Idapi32.cfg or C:\Program Files\Cyrious\Common\BDE\Idapi32.cfg) strings are there with the appropriate info
- If not, create the missing string and enter the correct Value Data
- Ensure there you can not drill down beyond the HKEY_Local_Machine>Software>Borland>Database Egine. If there is a subfolder in the Database Engine, delete it
Resolution 2
- Open the SSLIP
- Select Database Administration
- Select the SMS group
- Ensure that the Database Type button selected is Paradox
- If not edit and select the Paradox button
* If customer is running Windows 7 as the server machine please check the 3rd and 4th resolution
Resolution 3
- Ask customer if the server is Windows 7
- Ask if Cyrious is running on the server
- If yes, have the shut down Cyrious on the server and try opening on the client
- If successful, explain about Windows 7 Sandbox
Resolution 4
- Navigate to C:\Program Files\Cyrious\SSLIP\SSLIP.exe (or the appropriate path)
- Right click on the SSLIP.exe
- Click on Properties
- Select the Compatibility tab (may need to click “Show settings for all users”)
- Check the checkbox Run this program as an Administrator
- May need to repeat steps for the SMS.exe
- Also, repeat the steps for the Cyrious SSLIP short-cut in the Windows Start-up
* If customer is machine is a 64bit processor please check the 5th resolution
Resolution 5
- Start.
- Run.
- Type Regedit.
- This opens the Registry.
- Expand the HKEY_Local_Machine.
- Drill down to Software.
- Drill down to WOW64Node
- Drill down to Borland.
- Drill down to Database Engine.
- On the right side, ensure the DLLPATH ( \\Servername\Cyrious$\Common\BDE or C:\Program Files\Cyrious\Common\BDE) and the CONFIGFILE01 ( \\Servername\Cyrious$\Common\BDE\Idapi32.cfg or C:\Program Files\Cyrious\Common\BDE\Idapi32.cfg) strings are there with the appropriate info
- If not, create the missing string and enter the correct Value Data
- Ensure there you can not drill down beyond the HKEY_Local_Machine>Software>WOW64Node>Borland>Database Egine. If there is a subfolder in the Database Engine, delete it
Resolution 6
- You get the error when doing a server swap on an exsisting client while testing the SSLIP on the new server
- Shut down Cyrious SMS on the desktop
- Kill the SMS.exe process in the Task Manager if it does not resolve the issue
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