
This is used to customize the Report Groups to meet the customer's needs. Basically broken into 3 groups: 1. Reporting Menu; 2. Quick Reports Menu; 3. Individual Menu. Each of which can be edited to their specific requirements.

Basic Steps
  1. First you navigate to Mgmt>Set-Up>Reporting Set-Up
  2. Depending on the customer needs, expand one of the 3 menus
  3. Expand the appropriate sub-group
Steps to remove a Report
  1. Select the offending report
  2. Hit the Edit button
  3. Uncheck Show On Menu checkbox
Adding a Report
  1. Highlight the appropriate Group or Sub-Group
  2. Click the Add button
  3. Choose the appropriate template type (or Action)
  4. Enter the Menu Item Name (what the customer wants the report/action named)
  5. If a report, choose the System Report Radio button
    1. Unless a custom report then click the On Drive radio button
    2. If an Action, choose the appropriate action and click the Save button
  6. Choose the appropriate template
    1. If a customized report, navigate to report
  7. Click the Options tab
  8. Set the necessary fields (e.g. DateRange, Employee, Taxes Label)
  9. Check the necessary checkboxes
  10. Click the Save button
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