The following steps will reset the TCP/IP protocol in Windows. This is considered and advanced Windows XP Troublshooting technique and should only be done by an experienced technician because if done incorrectly, may cause damage to your Windows OS.
This setting will revert the TCP settings in Windows back to their default configuration. It will remove any custom configuration you have made to the network settings, which may require you to reset up the network cards. This procedure may be useful when the client continually fails to connect to the server but other clients can, but should only be used by someone who fully understands what they are doing.
The following steps require you to have administrator privileges on the system. Make sure all programs are closed prior to executing this procedure.
Step #1 - Preparing registry for TCP/IP reset
- Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and click OK. The Registry Editor window appears.
- Click the plus to the left of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
- Click the plus to the left of SYSTEM.
- Click the plus to the left of CurrentControlSet.
- Click the plus to the left of Services.
- Right-click Winsock and click Export. The Export Registry File window appears.
- Save the file in My Documents as Winsock.reg.
- Right-click Winsock in registry and click Delete. The Confirm Key Delete window appears.
- Right-click Winsock2 and click Export. The Export Registry File window appears.
- Save the file in My Documents as winsock2.reg.
- Right-click Winsock2 in registry and click Delete. The Confirm Key Delete window appears.
- Restart the computer.
Step #2 - Reinstalling TCP/IP Protocol
- Click Start, click Run, type ncpa.cpl, and click OK to open the Network Connection Properties window.
- Click the General tab and click Install. The Select Network Component Type window appears.
- Click Protocol and click Add. The Select Network Protocol window appears.
- Click Have Disk. The Install From Disk window appears.
- Type C:\Windows\INF and click OK.
- Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click OK. The Network Connection Properties window appears.
- Click Close.
- Restart the system.
- When restarted, click Start, click Run, type netsh int ip reset delllog.txt, and click OK.
- Attempt to start Control from that client machine.