You will be using information available in the registry. IF you are not comfortable working in the registry, DO NOT ATTEMPT
- Have the customer connect you to a computer that has Cyrious set-up to email and works.
- Open the registry
- Navigate to HK_Current_User>Software>Cyrious>SMS>UserOptions
- Ensure that the EmailOptions is set to Internal
### If set to Outlook, close and set-up in Cyrious on the client machine
- Ensure that the SMTPAddress has data
### If not, close and inform customer they will need to get the info from their ISP and fill in the fields
- Right click on the UserOptions folder
- Select Export
- Save to the SMS folder and name CyriousUserOptions
- If a client machine, save to desktop
- Then copy to the SMS folder by right clicking on the short-cut
- Select Properties
- Click on Find Target button
- Paste in the folder
- On the machine than needs the email fix, right click on the Cyrious icon
- Select Properties
- Click Find Target button
- Drag and drop the CyriousUserOptions.reg to the desktop of the client machine
- Double click on the CyriousUserOptions.reg on the desktop
- Click Yes
- Click OK
- Delete the CyriousUserOptions.reg from the desktop
Note: These steps will also work if exporting the information from a Windows 7 (x32) machine and importing to an XP machine or vice versa
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