Cyrious has the ability to email either directly out or use Outlook.
Setting up email in Cyrious is a local setting. Therefore the steps below are required on every computer that has Cyrious.
Steps 1(Using Outlook)
- Open Cyrious on the computer that needs to be set up
- Navigate to Mgmt>Set-Up>User Options
- Select the Email Options tab
- Click on the drop down buttong that says Internal
- Choose Outlook, click save and close the Explorer window
Note: To use Outlook with Cyrious, it can not be Outlook Express or Outlook Cloud
Steps 2 (Direct email out of Cyrious)
Part 1 Handled by Customer before setting up email in Cyrious
- Have customer contact their ISP for their SMTP information. Have the customer tell them they are setting up their Outlook.
- Make sure they ask if a portoffset is required
Part 2
- Open Cyrious on the computer that needs to be set up
- Navigate to Mgmt>Set-Up>User Options
- Select the Email Options tab
- Fill in the blanks as required
- Unless your ISP requires additional information, you can stop at the Authentication Required checkbox
- Check Authentication Required checkbox if the ISP gives you a Password
- You can check the Copy me on all Emails by default (it will forward a copy of the email to the address you put in the Email Address
- If the ISP informs you that you have to set a Port other than 25, click the Different SMTP Port Required checkbox
- Fill in the SMTP Port number
- Click Send Test Email button
- If it fails, check your information again
- If it succeeds, test by emailing an Invoice/Estimate to your own email address
- If it fails to send an email to you, read the error message
- Authentication error
### Go back to Email Options
### Uncheck the Authentication Required checkbox (Do not remove the password yet) and test again by emailing to yourself
### If it fails again, remove the password and test again by emailing to yourself
### If it fails again, you will have to use Outlook to email
- Acknowledgement error
### Go back to the Email Options
### Fill in the information at the bottom starting at Email server requires checking email before sending checkbox - check it
### Fill in the Incoming Mail Server (POP3) info
### Check the Different POP3 Port Required checkbox if they told you a different port
### Fill in the POP3 Port
### Click the Test Check Email button
### If it fails, check your information
### If it succeeds, test by sending an email to your own email address
### If it fails again, you will have to use Outlook to email