=Error Message=

Customer is receiving a message “Record Locked by Another User” when attempting to edit an order or customer (or other object) or apply a payment or change status.

=Explanation of Error=

SMS tracks whether a customer, product, or several other types of records are being edited by creating a negative record in the database with the same ID. (Eg. A CompanyID=-205 is created when the user edits CompanyID=205.) These tracking records are normally deleted when the edit is canceled or saved.

If SMS is abnormally terminated during an edit, it can leave the tracking record in place. Then, when a user goes to edit or take some action that requires a lock, they will get this message even though no other users are editing the record.

SMS has a built in utility to remove the locks, HOWEVER, if it is run when a valid lock is in place it may delete those records, resulting in the loss of that data.

=Tier 1 Actions=

  1. Close all copies of SMS but not the SSLIP.
  2. Restart 1 copy of SMS to work with.
  3. In the menu, click on Mgmt | Maintenance | Utilities | Database Cleanup.


  1. Click OK when prompted.
  2. Test that you can now take the action that was denied.
  3. All other users can restart SMS.

=Task Information=

  • Last Updated: 2/16/2015
  • Created By: Michael Nolan
  • Verified By:
  • Applies to All Versions
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