These are the steps to upgrade Cyrious SMS versions 8.0, 8.5, and 8.6 to SMS version 8.91.
- Close all copies of SMS.
- Shut down the SSLIP on the server/host.
- Download the latest version of SMS from the support website.
- If upgrading from 8.0 or 8.5 to 8.91, download and install the 8.6 upgrade and run it first.
- Open a browser and navigate to
- Log in using your credentials
- Click on Tech Support on the links across the top
- Click on Downloads on the links under Tech Support
- Locate and download the file SMS 8.91 Update. This will take you to a reference page.
- Write down the installation code on the download page - you'll need it.
- Click Download to start the download. Save the file somewhere you can find it, like the desktop.
- Run the installer
- Choose “New Server” as the type of installation.
- Enter your support code when prompted. Do NOT proceed without the correct code or you will end up with incorrect reports, files, and more.
- Follow the steps to complete the installation.
- Reboot the computer. If you don't do this, the installation will hang during the update and you will have to reboot anyway.
- Confirm that the SSLIP starts up.
- Shut down SSLIP
- Set up Sharing the Cyrious Folder
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Cyrious (or C:\Program Files\Cyrious) folder.
- Click the Alt key
- Click on Tools, then Folder Options
- Click the View tab
- Click the Show hidden files, folders, or drives radio button
- Uncheck the Hide extensions for known file types
- Scroll down and uncheck the Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended)
- Right click on the Cyrious folder and choose Properties.
- Click on the Sharing tab
- Click the Advanced Sharing button
- The file should be shared as Cyrious$. This is usually already done.
- Click on the Permissions Folder
- If not already in the List, add the Everyone user.
- Set the Everyone user to have Full Control.
- Click OK to close the sharing folder.
- Click OK to close the Advanced Sharing Folder
- Set up the Security permissions
- Click on the Security tab.
- Click the Edit button
- Ensure the Allow Full Control checkbox is checked on all the groups or user names except the Creator Owner
- Click Apply
- Click the Advance Button
- Click the Change Permissions button
- Uncheck the Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent (or click the button to remove inheritance
- Click the Remove button
- Ensure there is Everyone at the top and there is Users and TrustedInstaller below Everyone
- Highlight and remove all other users
- Click the Apply button
- Check the Include inheritable permissions for this object's parent and Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object checkboxes
- Click the Apply button
- Click the Yes button
- Click the OK button
- Click the OK button
- Click the OK button
- Close the properties window.
- Navigate to Cyrious>Common>BDE folder
- Double click on the BDEAdmin.exe
- Click on the Configuration tab
- Navigate to Configuration>Drivers>Native>Paradox
- Set Level to 7
NOTE: if nothing opens under Native, do the following steps to access the Paradox Drivers
- Open the Registry
- Navigate to HKey Local Machine>Software>Wow6432Node>Borland>Database Engine>Settings
- Delete the Settings key - this should allow you to access Paradox drivers in step 9
Update Data and Configure PCI Security
- Run SMS.
- You will be prompted to backup the database on the first run. Click Yes to continue.
- If your backup location is not set up or is invalid, you will have to set that up now. Then click OK to continue.
- Click OK when prompted when the backup is complete.
- SMS will now apply changes to your database to make it compatible with 8.91.
- This may take between 5 and 60 minutes depending on the size of your database and the speed of your computer.
- Do not kill the update during this process. If you are still waiting after 90 minutes, please call technical support.
- You will eventually be asked to provide a password for your C3S Host.
- Click OK to continue.
- Type in ANY password you would like to use for encrypting your credit card numbers. You do NOT need to remember this - it is simply so that every customer has unique encryption on their credit card information.
- Click OK to continue.
- You will be prompted for second C3S Host password.
- Click OK to continue.
- Type in ANY password you would like to use for encrypting your credit card numbers. You do NOT need to remember this - it is simply so that every customer has unique encryption on their credit card information.
- Click OK to continue.
- Your SMS upgrade is complete
Note: DO NOT delete the old backed up .mdb files (you can identify them as they have a date added to the name) in the SMS folder. If you do anything to them, create a new folder that is called DO NOT DELETE in the SMS folder and paste the backed up .mdb files in there
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