This is only for SMS V8.6 and higher. This is the recommended way to ensure that you get complete backups of you Cyrious Data, including the MDB files. This is also the recommended way to ensure off-site backups do complete backups, not incremental backups. The steps for set-up is below the issue that is occurring on Windows 7 and higher.
Problem with backing up on Windows 7 and higher resolution
- Navigate to Mgmt>Set-Up>User Options
- Delete path for the backup from the File Path field
- Click on Save button
- Recopy path into the File Path field
- Click on Save button
- Create a folder (recommend it be placed on the Desktop, can put on the C Drive or elsewhere on the network if it is a share connection).
- Name the folder Cyrious Backups.
- Open the Cyrious Backups folder.
- Copy the path of the folder from the address bar.
- Navigate in Cyrious to Mgmt>Set-Up>View/Edit User Options.
- Click the Backups tab.
- Paste the path in the File Path.
- You can rename the File Name if you want. Note: You do not have to add an extension to the name, it will automatically get .zip - Check the Append Date to File Name (this ensures that you can determine when the backup was created). - Make any other adjustment you desire in this field. - Click Save. - Navigate to Mgmt>Set-Up>Reporting Set-Up. - Click the '+' in front of the Quick Report Menu. - Click the '+' in front of the Daily Closeout. - If you see Backup Database in the expanded Daily Closeout, highlight it. - Ensure the Show On Menu checkbox is checked and close the Report Menu Setup. ### If not, click the Edit button. ### Click the Show On Menu checkbox. ### Click Save and close the Report Menu Setup. - If you don't see the Backup Database in the expanded Daily Closeout, highlight Daily Closeout. ### Click the Add button directly above. ### Select New Action. ### Name the Menu Item 'Backup Database'. ### Click the Action Drop Down button. ### Select BackUp Store Data. ### Click Save and close the Report Menu Setup. - Repeat from Step 14 down for the Monthly Closeout and the Yearly Closeout ===== Alternate Setup to backup to Network Share in the event that the location does not show up under Browse or is not a mapped network drive: ===== ===== Steps (On the server computer) ===== Create the script file: - Obtain the necessary credentials from the customer for the network drive. - Create a temporary folder in the SMS folder that will store the backups - This is just for setup and will be deleted each time the backups are moved over to the network drive - In SMS menu go to Mgmt > Set-Up > Setup User Options - Click onto the Backup Options tab - Browse to a folder that is accessible locally on the server – This will be used as a temporary folder to store the backups into, they will then be moved to the network location at the end of each day. - Open notepad and enter the following code_formatwinbatch|code format="winbatch" net use \\ComputerName\ipc$ /user:DomainOrWorkgroup\username PassWord robocopy “C:\Program Files\Cyrious\SMS\LocalBackup” “\\computername\RestOfUNC-Path\SMS-Backups” /MOVE /V /NP /R:10 /W:30 net use \\ComputerName\ipc$ /del <code> Alternatively if customers don't do daily closeouts, there will be no zips to even copy! If this is the case we can use the following script instead to automatically zip the files and move them to the network drive (or any other location) The following script requires the 7zip command line tool which can be downloaded here: 7za.exe For the script to work correctly 7za.exe must be placed in C:\windows\system32\ code_formatwinbatch|code format="winbatch" net use \\ComputerName\ipc$ /user:DomainOrWorkgroup\username PassWord for /f “tokens=2 delims==” a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do set "dt=a“ set “YY=%dt:~2,2%” & set “YYYY=%dt:~0,4%” & set “MM=%dt:~4,2%” & set “DD=%dt:~6,2%” set “HH=%dt:~8,2%” & set “Min=%dt:~10,2%” & set “Sec=%dt:~12,2%” set “datestamp=%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%” & set “timestamp=%HH%-%Min%” & set “fullstamp=%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%_%HH%-%Min%-%Sec%” 7za a “C:\Cyrious Backup\Data-%datestamp%_%timestamp%.zip” “\\ServerName\Cyrious$\SMS\Data\” -mx5 -ssw -w -tzip net use \\ComputerName\ipc$ /del <code> This script creates a zip in the first location specified in the 7za command based on the folder specified in the second command. You can use either regular or UNC paths in either parameter. Make changes to this as necessary, setting the correct computer name, domain/workgroup name, and the credentials required to access the network share from the server computer. Also change the first path to the temporary folder you made earlier in Step 2. Change the second path to the UAC path of the network share - DO NOT USE A MAPPED NETWORK DRIVE PATH IN EITHER SCRIPT, THIS WILL NOT WORK Schedule the script to run at the end of each day: - Save the newly created text file as NetworkBackupScript.cmd in the Cyrious$\SMS folder - Open Windows Task Scheduler (Windows Key + R, taskschd.msc) - Highlight Task Scheduler Library on the left - Under actions on the right, click on Create Task - Name the task whatever you want, and put a general description of where the files are being moved to and from - Click Change User or Group, and set log on as an administrator account, if you are unable to get the customer to enter the password (when clicking OK the final time) make a new administrator account for the task to run under - Click the checkbox near the bottom that says Run with highest privileges - Click on the Triggers tab, and then New… button. - Set the trigger to start on a schedule, Daily around 6 PM (or sometime after the close of their day). Click OK - Switch over to the Actions tab, and then click the New… button. - Set action to Start a program, click Browse… and locate the NetworkBackupScript.cmd you saved in the Cyrious$\SMS folder in Step 1, then click OK - Click OK again on the Create Task window to save the task Run a test: - In SMS click on Quick Reports - Select Daily Closeout from the column on the left - Left click on Backup Database on the right hand side, then Right Click the same item and select Print - A dialog will then popup asking you to confirm you would like to backup, click Yes. You will then be notified that the backup has begun. - Check the temporary folder you created in “Step 2 of Create the script file:” to ensure the backup has been created. - Go back to the task scheduler and run the task you just created. - Ensure the backup has been transferred from the Cyrious$\SMS folder over to the network share. Automating backups
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