SMS Error - Directory is controlled by other .NET file.
Error Message
Directory is controlled by other .NET file.
Directory: \\ComputerName\CYRIOUS$\SMS\
Explanation of Error
The BDE (Borland Database Engine) utilizes the PDOXUSRS.NET, PARADOX.LCK, and PDOXUSRS.LCK files to lock the database tables for reading and writing. In order to maintain file integrity, the path in which the database tables are accessed must be the same, when they are not the same you may receive errors alerting you to this problem.
This error can also keep you from accessing certain SMS Utilities such as DBRebuild, DBBrowser, GenImp, IDRepair, ProdExp, and ProdImp.
High. Normally new users can't login to SMS until this resolved.
Possible Root Cause(s)
- Power fluctuation. If the BDE is not properly shut down, it may not clear these locks.
- Network connection loss. If the remote client is not properly shut down, it may not clear these locks or may only clear one of them.
- BDE Configuration. The BDE LOCALSHARE setting must be set to TRUE or it will not attempt to maintain lock integrity.
- Close all running Cyrious applications:
- Close SMS on all Clients.
- Close the Cyrious SSLIP.
- Note: You may have to use the Task Manager to close the SSLIP (Go to the Processes tab and find SSLIP.exe, highlight and click End Process * Stop the CRIX Service if running. - Search for the * LDB files under the %InstallPath%\Cyrious folder. Delete any of these files that are found: * PDOXUSRS.NET * PDOXUSRS.LCK * PARADOX.LCK - If you are unable to delete these files, reboot the machine and try again. - Search for the * LDB files under the %InstallPath%\Cyrious folder. Delete any of these files that are found: * SMSSystemConfig.ldb * SMSStoreData.ldb * SMSSystemData.ldb - If you are unable to delete these files, reboot the machine and try again. - Restart the Cyrious SSLIP. - Restart Cyrious SMS. If this does not resolve the problem… - Navigate to the location of the Cyrious folder (usually C:\Program Files) - Right click on the Cyrious folder - Select Sharing and Securities (in Windows 7 it is Share with) - Uncheck the Share this folder checkbox - Click the Apply button - Now check the Share this folder checkbox - Add a $ after Cyrious in the Share name box (should look like Cyrious$) - Click the Permissions button - Chech the Full Control checkbox under Allow - Click the Apply button - Click OK button - Click the Apply button - Click OK button - Restart the Cyrious SSLIP - Restart Cyrious SMS If this does not resolve the problem… - Check BDE Options to make sure the LOCALSHARE setting is set to TRUE. - Reinstall the BDE on the Server. <html><div style=“margin-left: 20px;”> Note:** This step may require assistance from Cyrious Technical Support, alternatively you can use your installation disc for SMS to perform a re-installation of the program. </div></html>
There is another issue that will return this error and other, such as Invalid System Operation. Nothing else seems to work try this as a last resort
Last Resort
- Check the name of the computer - if exceeds 10 characters, change and remap clients to the new name
- Remember to reset the SSLIP address
Version Information
- Reported : 6/23/2009
- Version(s): 8.6, 8.9
- Fixed in :